Insulating a leaky can light
A leaky can light in your attic can cause drafts and colder rooms downstairs.
When it comes to making homes more comfortable, stopping air leakage at the top of the house is the #1 priority. Outside air leaking in at the bottom of your home only happens because warm air leaks out of the top. Can lights be holes in the ceiling? Air leaks between the fixture and the drywall, and through the fixture itself because of the many holes and seams in it. To make matters worse, when the light is on, incandescent and halogen bulbs burn at 380°F, and this hot air rises and causes the can light to leak faster. Most can lights are not rated to have insulation against attic insulation causes heat loss in addition to the can light air leakage problem. Having this problem results in more drafts and colder rooms downstairs. Higher overall home air leakage rate. Higher heating and cooling (fuel and electric) bills.
Dr. Energy saver could make your rooms less drafty and more comfortable.
Dr. Energy Saver’s TiteShell can light covers are installed over your can lights, fitted around wires and fixture struts, and sealed airtight with expanding foam. TightShell covers are safe from the fire hazards of hot bulbs and fixtures. Once TiteShells are installed, TruSoft insulation can be blown into the attic against and over them, eliminating costly gaps in insulation and adding R-value. For most savings, have Dr. Energy Saver change the bulbs in your can lights (optional). Incandescent Halogen Bulbs (65-100 watts) burning at 380° should be changed to compact fluorescent bulbs (CFL’s) at 135°. Every incandescent or halogen bulb is a little 380° heater - replacing them makes the house easier to cooler in the summer!
Having a home fixed with our solution will result in less drafts and more comfortable rooms - including downstairs. A tighter more energy efficient house, lower heating, and cooling(fuel and electric) bills, house is easier to heat and cool.