Photo Album: Insulating a Knee Wall in East Hartford, CT
Knee walls on cape cod construction homes are great for storage. What they are not good at is holding heat in your home. When air rises to the second floor in the winter(stack effect), it will try and find any way to get to the unconditioned spaces in the home. One of those spaces are the kneewalls. To prevent this from happening, we have to properly treat these spaces with the correct solution for the problem.
Before Photo of Knee Wall
This is how the knee wall look before we get there.
During Photo
This is about half way through the job. The runs of Foamax poly-iso board are being put up while making sure we airseal between each piece to stop convection from occurring.
Job Completed
This is the job after we have finished, This home owner will now have lower fuel and energy cost while living more comfortable in her home!