FAQs About Areas with High Radon Levels in Simsbury & Nearby
We use a continuous radon detector to identify increased radon levels in high risk zones.
Radon testing in high-risk areas
While any home can have high radon levels, some areas are at a greater risk than others – this means homeowners within these regions need to be even more vigilant in protecting their properties from this cancer-causing gas. And since home radon is odorless and invisible, reliable radon testing is the only way to determine if your home is safe.
Fogarty's Home Services is well aware of the high-risk radon zones throughout Northern CT, Berkshire County and Greater Springfield MA. That is why we provide reliable radon mitigation and testing solutions, helping you protect your home no matter what. Here are a few reasons why some areas are at a higher risk for home radon than others:
- Why are some areas at a higher risk for radon?
Radon is a naturally-occurring gas that comes from uranium decay in the soil. As uranium breaks down in the soils underneath the home, radon gets sucked in and circulated throughout the property. For this reason, areas with high uranium levels are at an even greater risk of home radon. Nevertheless, radon can be a problem no matter where you live, as specialists cannot definitively say whether or not a home is affected just by uranium levels in the area alone.
That is why Fogarty's Home Services provides reliable radon testing and mitigation services no matter what your risk is, providing you peace of mind and solutions if need be. If you live in a high-risk radon area, contact Fogarty's Home Services about our radon testing services and see if your home is safe.
- What is uranium and how does it impact home radon levels?
Radon comes from the natural decay of uranium in the soil. All rocks contain between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm) of uranium – and the soil will have the same amount of uranium as the rocks inside.
Some rocks have higher than average uranium amounts, including pale volcanic rocks, granite, dark shales, sedimentary rocks with phosphate, and metamorphic rocks. Soils that contain these rocks could have as much as 100 ppm of uranium. In areas where these rocks are common, these homes tend to have higher levels of indoor radon.
However, just because a house is in a uranium-rich area does not always indicate high levels of home radon – it just happens to be more of a risk. A radon test can help you get much-needed peace of mind.
- Can radon enter the home through water?
Another entry point for home radon is through water systems. The good news is that rivers and reservoirs usually do not contain much radon, as the cancer-causing gas escapes into the air before ever reaching your home. Larger cities are also safer since air is often introduced to the water during processing, allowing radon to escape – this also delays usage until the remaining amounts of radon have decayed.
Although, many areas of the country rely on groundwater for their supply, usually through small public waterworks and private domestic wells with closed systems and short transit times. For these reasons, radon is not removed and is not permitted to decay. Once radon is inside the home, it escapes into the air through daily use, which includes showering, cooking, and cleaning.
If you have an issue with home radon from water, 10,000 pCi/L of radon inside your supply can contribute to 1 pCi/L in the air. Homes in areas with high concentrations of uranium in the soil and also use groundwater are at an even higher risk.
High-risk radon zones near you
Click below to see if you live in a high-risk radon zone near Simsbury, South Windsor, or nearby in Northern CT, Berkshire County and Greater Springfield MA.
Scheduling a radon test in a high-risk area
Do you live in an area with high levels of radon? Schedule radon testing with Fogarty's Home Services to be sure your home is safe from this cancer-causing gas. Our radon testing experts can determine how much radon is in your home and provide radon mitigation solutions if necessary.
We proudly serve Massachusetts and Connecticut areas throughout Longmeadow, Simsbury, Windsor, Suffield, Granby, Tolland, Chicopee, Springfield, Wilbraham, and nearby.
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