HUD Multi-Family Radon Policy Testing

HUD-Compliant Radon Testing for Multifamily Housing in Simsbury

radon mitigation for multifamily housing

Our Radon Testing Services

  • Radon inspection & testing for multi-unit housing (apartments, condos, townhouses, etc.)
  • Radon Report issued for test results & necessary mitigation work
  • Quality control testing
  • Post-mitigation testing 
  • Mitigation services for existing buildings & new construction

Organized jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Housing & Urban Development (HUD), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the National Institute of Standards (NIS) and other federal agencies, the ADVANCING HEALTHY HOUSING initiative has identified radon testing and radon mitigation as major priorities in improving the healthfulness and safety of our nation’s housing.

Newly-established HUD guidelines recommend testing all units in a multifamily building to ensure that no resident is exposed to hazardous radon levels. If you are applying for HUD-backed financing or refinancing for a multi-family building, you must have a radon test performed by a radon professional and provide proof of radon mitigation if necessary.

Fogarty's Home Services specializes in radon testing for apartment buildings, condos, townhouses and other multi-family properties in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

If you are concerned about the radon levels in your building, contact us today to have your multi-family building tested.

What types of HUD mortgages require radon testing?

  • Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP)
  • Traditional Application Processing
  • New construction or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily housing
  • Purchase or refinance of existing multifamily rental housing
  • Construction or substantial rehabilitation of rental housing for elderly or disabled

Why is radon testing important?

Special equipment is needed to detect the presence of radon gas. In the U.S., exposure to radioactive radon gas causes some 21,000 deaths every year. Most of these deaths could be prevented by testing residences for radon and by installing radon abatement systems in homes that test above the actionable level of 4 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) of interior air. If the radon levels in your building are found to be above the actionable level, we offer radon mitigation for HUD buildings to effectively reduce radon levels.

We are Massachusetts and Connecticut's certified, licensed radon specialists

Authorized Dealer of National Radon Defense

A typical community is served by a number of contractors who advertise radon testing services. But not all radon contractors are certified, licensed professionals. According to new HUD requirements, radon testing and radon mitigation in multifamily housing must be performed under the supervision of a licensed, certified radon specialist.

Multifamily residences often have large foundations and extensive HVAC and ventilation systems. As an experienced, certified contractor for radon testing and mitigation services in Massachusetts and Connecticut, we can ensure the most accurate, up-to-date work to detect and correct radon problems.

Take action today! Contact Fogarty's Home Services to make sure your apartment or multifamily unit is not contaminated with cancer-causing radon. We provide free estimates for radon mitigation system installation with radon testing in Granby, Suffield, Windsor, Wilbraham, Tolland, Chicopee, Springfield and nearby.

Looking for a price? Get a no cost, no obligation free estimate.

our service area

We serve the following areas

MassachusettsConnecticut Our Locations:

Fogarty's Home Services
800 Prospect Hill Rd
Ste E
Windsor, CT 06095

Fogarty's Home Services
258 Old Lyman Rd Suite B
South Hadley, MA 01075
Northern CT, Berkshire County and Greater Springfield MA

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