Hi Dr. Energy Saver Team! I just had to tell you, as you know, nights have been quite chilly. For the first time, this winter I decided to turn my heat down to 65 degrees overnight. (I just cringe getting my oil delivery when I see the bill!!) Normally, I’d have it at ~68-70 degrees because I usually feel a chill while I’m sleeping...well, last night I turned my heat COMPLETELY OFF and, (this is amazing!), when I woke up this morning, it was STILL 70 degrees in my house!!! I was floored! Yet, beaming with a huge smile, and I owe it all to you guys!! I’ve been in this home since 2002 and if I had done this before, I’d be waking up with 3 or 4 layers of jammies & hoodies!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CHANGING MY LITTLE WORLD AND MAKING IT SO MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE!!
Susan P. of Northampton, MA
Friday, February 26th